Monday, June 6, 2011

quotes about letting go of love and

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  • zacman
    Nov 9, 06:47 AM
    RFID is insecure. The british RFID passports have been cracked within less than 48 hours, the German test ones in less than a day. I wouldn't trust RFID for any important and sensible information like payment services. It's fine for stuff like tracking packages or my skiing card - but that's it.

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  • jose fuertes s.
    Oct 19, 12:04 PM
    ummm an iPhone, but what it will make this thing special, Design?, Os?, well one thing is for sure, Apple design things that are really kickin ass, iMacs, iPods, an such things. The OS, well it will be like the iPod OS (but definitely much better) on this iPhone, i dont think apple will put and minimal version of OS X on this iPhone... or could they?

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  • inkhead
    Sep 1, 11:38 PM

    Please don't assume. First of all, I pay for 4 active ADC memberships. I usually buy about 4 WWDC tickets. This year as every year, I bought my own WWDC ticket. My employer (myself) is mean ;-) However this year for the first time in 5 years I wasn't able to attend because of knee surgery recovery running longer than expected. I planned my surgery around WWDC.

    So let me get this right? You are saying that the sessions shouldn't be online because you are poor and don't want people who get their wwdc tickets for free to get the jump on you.

    SO WHAT about all the PEOPLE POORER than you who can't afford WWDC? So you are saying they don't deserve a chance to learn leopard?

    What you are saying is a double standard!

    Regardless, my issue isn't money, and the WWDC sessions are always put up online, which they will be shortly. It would just be nice if Apple got on the ball.

    I realize you don't want the session videos online because the college student who has $498, and overdraws his bank account to get ADC select, might get the jump on you, and since you EVEN though you paid it out of pocket were able to afford $2300, you are using this to say that more money should buy more?, but not really?

    Think about what your saying.. claiming to be poor, but it only works as long as you aren't the one cut off.

    either way I can afford any Mac, or Apple product I want, and development is a passion for me not a requirement to survive. I don't need to work, I want to work. But saying that your not going to be able to compete with somebody like me with unlimited funds... isn't true. Mac OS X is the best platform to develop for if you want to level the playing field. You notice many of the Apple Design Awards went to SMALL companies? On the mac platform, many, many small companies, and one man shows are making very good money! You have just as much chance as me, even if I have more resources money, machines, and people. It's easy to innovate.

    This is the first year that I went to WWDC and I am a ADC Select developer like you. However, the difference is I had to pay 100% out of pocket to go. My employer does not use Macs and I had to do it on my own.* At the conference, I met a lot of developers whose companies paid for the trip and they stayed in the Hyatts ($200 a night).. My gf and I stayed at the crappy hotel by 7th street which was in a unsafe part of SOMA plus I used a week of my own PTO etc..*

    It sure was alot of money ~$2300.* I sure could have done alot with that but I used it for my education and check out WWDC.* It really adds alot of value to the conference to really get the new bits. * I do not think it is fair to wait for the general rollout to ADC if you are charging so much for the conference. *This year, there was not a lot of new things besides Leopard.. Leopard was the star show and only partially revealed. Therefore the revealed parts and Leopard sessions were the key points and those were pretty tight lipped and the mostly the value of going.

    So,* why should you be able to see the sessions and get the same seed three weeks later? *Its not fair to independent developers like me and gives my project a jump start against potential competetors like you..* **

    I skipped last two years WWDC and waited until Tiger was ADC seeded and have been watching the 2005 sessions without going to WWDC the same as you..* So, i have been on both sides of the fence.* Once you pay for WWDC yourself, then you really understand that its right to let the WWDC get the first drink from the water fountain and drink for awhile.


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  • kuebby
    Apr 25, 08:56 PM
    Only the contemporary GOP would think that running a fat obnoxious trust-fund billionaire who is most famous for firing people, as a populist candidate would be a good idea.


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  • strabes
    Mar 23, 01:50 PM
    how bout let's make sure that airplay video playback works first before you try to license it out. has not work from day 1 on my appletv

    Works perfectly for me (using Air Video and the latest beta server) since 4.3 came out.

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  • Westacular
    Mar 23, 05:31 PM
    While they're at it, why don't they just integrate the whole Apple TV GUI into the TV and get rid of the crappy TV GUIs?

    Motorola ROKR.

    It's conceivable that they'd license AirPlay because, well, on the display end, it's simple and doesn't involve an interface. It's like plugging in a screen or speakers, only wireless. But there's no way in hell Apple is going to leave any aspect of the rest of the "Apple TV" user experience in another manufacturer's hands. Not again, and not when they can sell the Apple TV for only $100. If the interface shows an Apple logo and lets your browse your iTunes library, it's going to be a 100% Apple product.


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  • MattDell
    Oct 26, 01:14 PM
    Just got back from Regents! Scored a t-shirt and got Leopard. I feel bad for the people who didn't realise you could go upstairs and check out. The queue downstairs was appalling! I was in & out in about 5 minutes. Then by the time I got out the queue was still all the way down the street!

    And yes, the no student discount was bs!


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  • Sky Blue
    Sep 19, 03:35 PM!


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  • Dreadnought
    Oct 3, 03:43 PM
    Boehoe... Too bad redeye. Thanks for all the good and hard work. Now, don't install folding at all those little Apples in the store (BTW which store is it?!?!) or I will have to find a way to get more compu's folding for me. Hope you will stay an active member here.

    quotes about letting go of love and. moving on. quotes
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  • TheSideshow
    May 5, 02:44 PM
    Where did they say in the website that you need to buy antivirus software?

    And did they compare the build quality or just specs?

    You dont need to buy AV software. You need it as much as you need it on OSX IMO. Viruses arent the problem anymore. Trojans are.

    Plus Microsoft provides it free as Microsoft Security Essentials so you can add $0 to it.


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  • aafuss1
    Nov 14, 09:37 AM
    I wonder if British Airways and Qantas wil offer this. After all it's one up on Zune.

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  • spillproof
    Apr 14, 02:55 PM
    Glad to see they are getting someone with experience. I would hate to see the data center flop becasue no one knows how to properly run it.

    Page 2?

    This site needs a new section!

    MacRumors: From Apple Human Resources



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  • shawnce
    Sep 27, 02:10 PM
    Cheetah - 10.0.3 (I think)
    Puma - 10.1.5 (I think)
    Jaguar: 10.2.7
    Panther: 10.3.9
    Tiger: 10.4...:D

    Follow the Mac OS X line...

    10.0.4, 10.1.5, 10.2.8, 10.3.9, 10.4.?

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  • seashellz
    Apr 5, 04:31 PM
    Well, this is confusing.

    Last year Macrumors posters told me in no uncertain terms that CR is always wrong.

    So how am I supposed to take this news?

    uh....use your own a no brainer


    quotes about letting go of love and. moving on. quotes
  • moving on. quotes

  • MacNut
    Apr 5, 12:06 PM
    In the snow areas more damage is done to the roads with thawing and freezing than the cars driving over them. Road salts eat through quicker than cars just driving on them. Sure the cars add to the wear but they are not the only factor. As long as we plow and treat the roads they will need to be repaired quicker regardless of how much traffic there is.

    quotes about letting go of love and. moving on. quotes
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  • Bear Hunter
    Apr 6, 04:08 PM
    I know what some of the plans are as I met the reps from Apple when they came to visit us.

    edit: ...and as mentioned, some of you have no concept about the military at all. It's pretty amusing actually.



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  • Tagged: love get over letting

  • rnb2
    Apr 24, 11:39 PM
    Honestly, if they offered an 8GB RAM option, I'd be sorely tempted to go from my current 2009 i7 iMac and 11.6" 4GB MBA to a maxed-out 13" SB MBA + 27" monitor. I would probably also have to move from my current FW800 OWC RAID to something with Thunderbolt, since I'd need something that could daisy-chain with the monitor.

    I know that I would lose the top-end performance of the iMac, but it would be worth it to jump to a truly next-generation, all solid state laptop. I need the RAM to run Aperture and Photoshop CS5 together effectively, but I think I could live with everything else. I'd really love to get down to one computer that is decent when hooked up to a 27" monitor, and also very portable for the limited traveling that I do. The C2D MBA is fine for my travel needs, but not good enough for my day-to-day use at home.

    I could go with a 15" MacBook Pro, but I really prefer the forward-looking MBA design and weight, and the price is more attractive on the MBA once you start looking at SSD options in the MBP.

    Do I think they'll offer the 8GB option this year? I suspect not, but we may then see it in 2012.

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  • tktaylor1
    Apr 23, 12:32 AM
    Would you want Donald Trump as our president? I am really on the fence for this one. This is the first time I am allowed to vote so I am paying attention to politics more than ever. I mean it would be good to have a completely loaded president so he "can" spend some of his money for the economy, which Trump says he will do. We all know that all politicians are liars though. Trump has changed his mind about a lot of things such as abortion, socialism, and Obama's health care plan. A little while back Trump voted for the three previous things I said but has recently changed his mind. This makes me think he will be unstable when it comes to decisions as a president. Also I don't take him seriously. So what do you think about Trump for president?

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  • ehoui
    Apr 27, 06:38 PM
    Trump has no moral compass.

    That may be, but that does not excuse one from referring to one's own.

    Oct 2, 06:22 PM
    Lets put OS X onto the PC platform and get the best of both words.

    Because while I admit that the G4 is faster than the P4 on a cycle to cycle comparison, the fact that P4 is pushing 3GHz while we are still at 1.25 is a bit sad.

    Plus you are talking about 533mhz busses and RD RAM, many other hardware issues set the PC platfrom above the Mac.

    I give apple an "A" for aesthetic design and a "D" for engineering design.

    I give Unix and the OS X version of it an A for both design and aesthitcs.

    That is my honest view. BTW I am waiting on a PB with a faster FSB and 1.0GHz because I can't bring myself to spend $3500+ on a PC133 machine!

    Apr 13, 12:00 PM
    But most have nothing set up. I'm not exactly sure what that does, I think adds an extra step in querying the ISP. That always slows me down.

    And, of course, the other half can be an issue, too. People never talk about that except when they want to download a brand new firmware or something. I see "waiting for" plenty.

    If you have nothing setup it will use DHCP to get your DNS from whatever device is providing you your IP address. For most people this would be a DSL or cable modem which is passing the DNS servers from their ISP.

    So not setting it up is not an issue, unless your ISPs DNS servers suck.

    But how do you know if it sucks? How do you know if Google's DNS servers are actually an improvment for you? You can't know until you test. There are several DNS test utilities you can download that will measure this for you and tell you. I highly suggest people not assume that using Google's DNS servers is always best. For some people it will actually perform worse. Test to know for sure.

    Apr 12, 01:57 PM
    Pages and Number are TRASH compared to Word and Excel(especially excel)

    Keynote is actually pretty good!

    Dont be a uninformed fanboy. k? Thanks

    Pages and Numbers are much easier to use, and far nicer to look at than Office. If I don't need the horsepower I prefer iWork. If I do need the horsepower I have Office 2003 running on a late 2009 mini that is Windows 7 only. Office 2003 works great with W7, and it's not all blue looking like some of the newer versions.

    As usual Windows runs MS software much better than Mac OS does.

    Apr 23, 05:17 AM
    Around the Manchester area, it's about �1.40 per litre of unleaded.
    That's 2.3$/litre.
    If I do the maths right, that's 3.7854118 * 2.3
    Which equates to 8.706$/gallon.

    Pretty expensive over here at the moment.

    Apr 21, 12:59 PM
    If the hardware isn't that much different from the iPad 2 then why would they give it to devs early?

    Same question I had. Just run the game at 960x540 on the iPad 2 to simulate running the game. Even if it's clocked differently, they can approximate that too. Only difference would be if they stuffed more RAM in the iPhone 5/4s, which I doubt.

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