Monday, June 6, 2011

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  • Anonymous Freak
    Jan 17, 09:49 PM
    Not terribly much, unfortunately. It's a middling system, not particularly impressive in any spec, with a built-in power-hog CRT. The monitor-less Quadra 605 is a heck of a collectors item; but this is just a monstrosity.

    It's not a horrible machine for the time, nor even particularly bad now; it's just fairly common as well as large.

    I'd estimate it would be worth, at most, $50. Maybe at some point ridiculously far in the future, if you keep it in absolute pristine condition, fully functional (means replacing capacitors at some point,) it might be worth a lot; but we're talking a long ways off, when CRTs are seen as curious antiques, and 68k Macs are as rare as hens' teeth.

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  • CaoCao
    Apr 24, 12:09 PM
    A grease monkey can change almost anything about a Mac Pro whereas MBPs are PITAs to upgrade

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  • Ikyo
    Mar 10, 10:21 PM
    I might head over. Let me know how the line is later in the day. I wonder when Walmart are going to sell theirs.

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  • Steveo47
    Jul 23, 02:16 PM
    I plan on showing up around 5-6am friday morning probably at West Ed


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  • iFiend
    May 4, 02:35 PM
    Cant blame them, they probably got more important things to focus on than patching jailbreaks.
    Hope they become more lenient on JB in general.

    Unfortunately this will never happen :(

    Shouldn't take too long to port over to redsn0w. Does anyone remember how long it was last time? For 4.3.2? I think it was like 7-10 days

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  • DJsteveSD
    Mar 11, 10:08 PM
    the manager stated that she was doing according to corporate. I find that hard to believe as it was a fraked up mess. really? can they not manage inventory any better than "youre in a gray area and might not have the model you wanted" what she meant was go home loser.


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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 14, 05:46 PM
    A little ducttape will fix it right up.

    "If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."

    Red Green

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  • h1r0ll3r
    May 4, 02:33 PM
    Have you ever looked at the location file that saves on your PC? If so, can you tell me where iTunes saves it?


    I could be wrong but I think it's bundled within the backups from your iPhone. I've never seen this supposed file so I wouldn't know how to access it specifically. I'm sure someone else here might have some better info on this.


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  • benixau
    Jul 4, 07:40 AM
    I had that problem too. But then I have no repercussion though - i hacked OSX.2 to hell.
    On the other hand, Panther seems to be pretty good on its own so i have yet to hack it.

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  • bluap84
    Feb 25, 02:11 AM

    Umlauts make everything better!

    PS: love the logo:)

    cheers man it was super simple. Just some cool font, then moved around in Illustrator.

    cheers for the comments, im still thinking of names but this one has kinda stuck atm.

    and LOL @ Be Sharps didnt know who they were till i googled...oh i LOL ... :D


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  • alphaod
    Oct 17, 04:46 PM
    I usually go out with my camera and walk around taking pictures. Then I crop and make them into wallpapers.

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  • eva01
    Sep 24, 10:35 PM
    Er, I thought MyMemory was getting maried though :confused:

    so did i, which is why i am wondering what is someone on


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  • warcraftmaster
    Jun 15, 11:31 PM
    I suggest you make some wild and unsubstantiated claims about Macs and PC's or something similar to get it started with a nice big flame-war.

    How about one of these:

    2.5ghz G5 is just an overclocked 2.0. Otherwise why would it need to be watercooled?

    It's about time Apple made a Phone/PDA

    Apple ought just get real and start using Intel/AMD and get their new cases redesigned by Alienware. OH and get some decent games...

    That sort of thing ought to do nicely. ;)

    whats your problem :eek: you know some people dont want to die alround here or have there house burned down :p

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  • eawmp1
    Apr 22, 05:47 AM
    Hello, anybody home?

    And where does this allow one to ignore laws in the name of religion?


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  • LinuxElf
    Apr 20, 08:15 PM
    Hello, All!

    I use iMovie 11 to combine basketball videos.

    At each game, I have two video cameras -- one following action on the court, one zoomed in on the scoreboard. I then use PIP in iMovie 11 to superimpose the scoreboard on the basketball action.

    How can I change the default size/location of Picture In Picture in iMovie 11?

    Every single time I superimpose, I have to move and resize the PIP. I always make it the same size.

    Can someone please tell me how to change the default Picture in Picture size/location?


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  • vollspacken
    Dec 31, 09:37 AM
    Panic Software ( ( gets my vote. (...) Go, Panic, Go.

    I agree. Audion was my Mp3 player of choice in the pre-OsX days... they abandoned it though, and now it's free... I use it again now... just to pre-sort "new" MP3s so I don't mess up my iTunes library...



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  • ykarmi
    Jan 20, 05:20 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Mmmmm. Full details **is** available?

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  • reberto
    Dec 7, 11:02 PM
    again, i'm interested in the PC but would have to wait for some christmas cash. as stated in your previous thread i could trade, a powerbook g3, ipod 3G 15GB, or an imac G3 600

    let me know if interested...i also have a few obscure un-tech related things for sale if interested....
    but as stated in my previous thread, if it was a 400mhz p-book, I would. But it isn't. :(

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  • arn
    Sep 29, 10:02 PM

    First picture posted before... about a month ago :)

    The second one I hadn't seen...


    Apr 16, 08:39 AM
    Ever since updating to 4.3.1 this no longer works for me. It doesnt seem like the dev is going to fix it anytime soon either.. are there alternatives?

    Apr 24, 09:19 PM
    Check out the mStand ( It's really beautiful and matches the Alum Macbook.

    very nice stand im definitely considering it, thanks for the suggestion

    Dec 5, 08:04 PM
    Is a powermac g4 a good mac starter computer?
    yes i believe so
    powermac g4 is in my opinion the best mac made (i have 3)
    easy to upgrade
    easy to fix
    reasonably priced
    still runs all the new apps
    and ohh yea looks sweet

    nedd ne more reasons

    Apr 23, 09:34 PM
    So H.264 is a very compressed format. That sets off a flag right there. Ideally you wouldn't be provided footage in such a lossy format.

    Taking the H.264 footage and converting it to DV NTSC is essentially compressing it again (albeit a lesser compression), but it is still increasing the generation count. Instead, I would try throwing it into compressor and transcoding to apple prores 422. That should hopefully alleviate any loss of quality.

    But sadly we don't live in an ideal world :) And this is footage given out for television usage, believe it or not...(do CBS Sunday Morning and the Today Show really like getting footage in compressed h.264?)

    I'll try prores 422. My thought was that as the the other footage is DVPro NTSC converting it to DV NTSC would be transcoding to a closely matching format. But it didn't seem to help any...

    Feb 20, 11:27 AM
    do u notice the difference of 2gb of ram in your day to day activites, such as powering on, or running multible programs at once? or is the 2gb not even utilized until you edit videos n stuff? and it has to feel a little silly in a lecture when u have a huge screen in front of you.

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