Sunday, June 5, 2011

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  • iSavant
    Apr 14, 09:28 PM
    I had to rate this front page story as "negative"

    just on-a-count-a I'm not used to seeing human faces when I visit the mr site

    Make it go down the page, Please!

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  • princealfie
    Nov 14, 02:12 PM
    And where is Jetblue in all of this??? :cool:

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  • Raid
    May 3, 10:25 AM
    Don't ever underestimate conservatives. Sorry for exporting our stupidity Canada. Hopefully, you guys figure this out fast and don't lose too much of what you have built. Yeah, you might want to hold off on your move to Canada... This is going to be an interesting 4 years.

    I was wrong about this election, I had posted elsewhere this was not going to change much, but I didn't realize that the Liberals and the Bloc were that weak. The losses of the Bloc boosted the NDP seats in Quebec, and the Liberal weakness helped both the NDP and Conservatives elsewhere.

    The election was pretty crazy, take Ignatieff (who has now resigned BTW) even if you are leader of a party, and your riding has been a stronghold for your party, don't ignore it completely! Then again, check out Bev Oda; apparently you can misuse public money, make very questionable decisions as a minister, lie to parliament and get caught and force your minority government to fall in a vote of non-confidence... but as long as you play nice with the conservative leadership and remain silent, the people will elect you in a landslide. :rolleyes:

    ... I just don't get it.

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  • Nym
    Nov 14, 02:02 PM
    He's 11 posts shy of the requirement.
    LOL, maybe i'll post 11 posts straight just to get in there!
    Just kidding :) (almost there)


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  • Gator24765
    Apr 27, 11:55 AM
    Mpeg stream clip was exactly what i was looking for.

    What are your recommendations for exorting?

    I will be editing in Final Cut. I just want high quality video as the main importance but keeping the file sizes to a minimum.


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  • Justinf79
    May 1, 07:43 PM
    Too bad I'll prolly never get a beta key. :(


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  • Queso
    Mar 26, 03:22 PM
    He rich, yet he wears the same thing every day?
    When he wants to be "accidentally" photographed most definitely.

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 12, 03:52 PM
    aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh I want to buy this!!!! But alas I cannot afford it at present, well it depends on if I get a 3DS next weekend or not. But having used the demo of Outlook I love it, much better then Mail IMO.

    If anyone knows of a cheaper price then around �160 in the UK let me know cause that's the best I've found.

    Sent you a PM


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  • jeffreyropp
    Oct 6, 11:56 AM
    I don't find 3.5" too big.

    That's what she said.

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  • ment
    Mar 1, 02:08 AM
    :confused::confused::confused:In-app purchase can be disabled using parental control. This is stupid. I expect my tax to be used by my government to tackle bigger problems, oh maybe like jobs and the economy, not to appease some idiot "parents."


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  • mrsir2009
    May 5, 02:41 PM
    Where did they say in the website that you need to buy antivirus software?

    And did they compare the build quality or just specs?

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  • elusion
    May 4, 07:55 AM
    I am a very new mac user, having just switched in February with the purchase of my iBook. I'm 17 and have been using computers since I was like 6. I remember DOS, Apple IIes, Windows 3.1/95/98/ME/NT, Mac 8. I also spent a year using linux (Mandrake, Redhat, Debian) before going to a mac. I hate PCs.

    You ask about hardware. That's not why I switched, though it was a nice bonus. I switched because of OS X.

    I always use to be a Windows guy, from a Windows family. My brother's a MCSE. The previous experience I had with Apple was horrible. We had Apple's in our school computer lab, and they were crap. Nothing worked. Now I know that they weren't multitasking. I hated them with a passion and said I'd never use one.

    Oh how things have changed. PCs have become the pieces of crap. Windows may be getting better with XP, but it's a different experience. Everything is just better with a Mac. Things just work, right away. I haven't used XP much, but I can tell you it doesn't work like this does.

    Windows' interface sucks. Really it does. I'm sure you think the interface in MacOS X is horrible. It's not, it's different. And, it's better. It's easier just use, just because of the interface.

    Windows' filesystem sucks. Unix machines have a much better filesystem -- none of the drive crap.

    Windows software sucks. There is much less software for OS X than there is for XP. No one can deny that. Fortunately, the software for OS X is usually of a very high quality. It's very well designed and stable.

    Windows' interoperability sucks. Windows runs on a huge variety of hardware, but that's noticible from the software. OS X just detects and sets up -- no wizards.

    Really I don't expect you to believe this or anything. Maybe you will if you try using one. Things are going to be different for you because you use computers primarily for gaming. Maybe someday you'll end up switching to Linux because you don't like Windows. If you do, I almost guarentee you'll switch to Mac, because Linux's a pain to set up.

    Oh, and getting away from Microsoft was good too. They are evil. Apple has potential to start a monopoly and become evil, but that's besides the point. Microsoft is doing things that are bad for the consumer. Wait and see.


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  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 15, 08:36 AM
    still cheaper than a lot of the competition. before we went to sql 2005 we looked at Oracle. by the time you bought the add on packs it was almost $1 million for our installation. SQL was 1/4 that.

    AD might be a bit expensive but the AD forests people created in Windows 2000 can be upgraded every version with minimal issues and it works out of the box. with other products you first have to spend months creating your schema, pray it doesn't break when used with other products and upgrading can be a big PITA. AD is the apple of corporate IT. you don't need a team of geeks toiling away for months to code a ldap schema, it just works out of the box

    1. You aren't looking very hard if your choices became MSSQL vs OracleDB.

    2. If you spend months creating your LDAP or even AD schema/map, you need to go back to your clients/customer/contractee/er and do some proper planning.

    3. AD was quickly dumped by the likes of Wall Street and Cox Industries. AD is a solution, not the Apple of Corporate IT.

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  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 13, 01:08 PM
    You bet! Lets put back what greed and globalist conspiracies have recked. Here is a nice article. We as americans need to replace co like Apple,dell and boeing that sell their souls to the devil for subsidised money. The money needed to run the country isn't abundant and china IS the real enemy that we are foolishly helping. We don't need china, they need us and if I start a co soon, china isn't even on my profit radar, just my military one.


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  • fleshman03
    Apr 12, 05:20 PM
    The update, which weighs?

    Weight is other thing. The update has a size of...

    Let's use the English language correctly.

    FYI: it's an expression. LOL.

    OMG, who didn't know that. ( :D

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  • ranReloaded
    Mar 25, 01:15 PM
    Considering that most other tablets are still catching up with the iPad 1, this discount makes the pricing even more agressive :)


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  • HBOC
    Mar 19, 06:27 PM
    I agree with most of what you say, except.... I don't get the "Shoot only Full Manual" advice that is heard here and in other places.

    If I have spent some $$ on a camera with a computer and a light meter, I figure I'm going to make it do at some of the work. The way I see it, I have a management job, and that is to decide what DoF and/or apparent motion I want to capture (composition) - and to ensure good exposure (quality control). The camera gets to do the grunt work of doing the calculations. It's the back-office.

    Generally I use Aperture Priority, and let the camera worry itself over the shutter speed. Though, being the suspicious boss type, I'm always checking over the Camera's work and watching the settings. That way I can step in and make changes if necessary.

    I figure I'm thinking through the cycle anyway. I like DoF control, so I generally start with Av. I observe the shutter speed - make sure I'm fast enough if I'm handholding, or perhaps I want to freeze or blur something. (Or if I'm on a tripod can I get away with triggering with a light finger or do I need to go to a timer or cable release).

    Then I observe the overall exposure. Do I need to adjust the +/- thingy?

    I guess it's the difference between :
    Think -> Look -> Think -> Make a Setting -> Push Button (Manual)
    Think -> Look -> Adjust if necessary -> Push Button (Av or Tv).

    Seems faster my way, and just as accurate. And maybe more accurate if I'm tired. ... but maybe I'm missing something?

    I'm really enjoying this whole thread..... :)

    Well shooting manual works for what I do. I doubt any sports photographers use anything other than Aperture Priority mode I would think.

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  • platypus63
    Oct 26, 12:54 PM
    Wow, I expected PPC support to drop in a few years, not a few months. Sucks for anyone with the Quad G5s. Sucks for me with my dual G5. :(

    I hope this won't be a common trend.

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  • k995
    Mar 24, 02:55 AM
    Good its time apple started leaving its walled garden.

    May 2, 01:54 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    You mean CDO.

    May 2, 01:51 PM
    All this image shows is that the person measuring the white iPhone 4 has no idea how to use a caliper. The idea of a caliper isn't to squeeze the crap out of whatever you're measuring. It is obvious that the in the right picture they are squeezing much harder just looking at the discoloration of the persons skin on their thumb.

    Yes, a micrometer would be a more repeatable measurement method. Can I see a gage R&R study and and 30 piece capability study, please. :)

    Apr 11, 08:33 PM
    Haha, spoiled Americans ;)
    Cheapest in my town, Gothenburg, Sweden, is $8,5 per gallon...

    Agreed we are spoiled. Unfortunately the U.S. has a horrible infrastructure as far as public transportation and such so many people live far from their jobs and have to drive everywhere.

    I remember in New Zealand paying $4 something per liter :eek:

    Here where I live at the Sheetz gas stations its $3.75.

    Oct 11, 10:52 AM
    Why not just add phone capabilities to the iPad? Call it the Mega-Pad? Or the Maxi-Pad?

    Making more than one size phone for sale at the same time makes no sense. The only way that it would make sense is if the iPhone wasn't selling very well and Apple needed to 'pander to the masses' to build market share of they figured out a way to have a 'clam shell' design and maintain the operability of the interface.

    The problem with multiple sizes is that the cases would be numerous and retailers wouldn't want to carry them and the chances that a very small iPhone would use the same accessories (chargers, etc) is small...

    I think that Apple would be crazy to dilute their market by adding smaller and naturally less capable units. I already think that the new Nano will fail because it's 'sorta like a Touch, but not quite'.

    Mar 27, 10:37 AM
    Jobs: I have to go to the bathroom. Is that alright?
    Schmidt: (Frisks Jobs Crotch)
    Barista: I frisked him. He's Clean.
    Jobs casually walks to the restroom.

    Job walks back to table and casually sits down.
    (In Italian)
    Schmidt: Do you feel better?
    Jobs: Yes.
    Schmidt: Stevey, you understand me don't you? You're italian, just like your father. You're Sick. When you feel better, we'll arrange a meeting and everything will be alright. This meanness must come to an end.
    Jobs shifts his eyes around the room. Jumps up and shoots Schmidt three times.

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