Saturday, June 4, 2011

windows 7 wallpaper themes

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  • jc_windows-7-wallpaper

  • savoirfaire
    Dec 3, 02:36 PM
    Happened to see this book and thought the photo looked vaguely familiar... :p

    Would be fun to see someone do this with the colors in the proper order...

    windows 7 wallpaper themes. Back to Windows 7 wallpaper
  • Back to Windows 7 wallpaper

  • santaliqueur
    May 2, 04:53 PM
    Except that the question "male to male sex" is discriminatory. It doesn't ask you "received anal sex", it asks you about your sexual orientation. Plain and simple, discriminatory and non-scientific because male-to-female sex has the exact same risks.

    Has the exact same risks on an individual basis. But statistically, gay males have a higher-than-average ratio of HIV. Not sure about other STDs, but I would guess it's the same as HIV. Not passing judgment here, just pointing out that as a whole, gay males have a higher rate of HIV.

    Disclaimer (or flame suit): I don't care about gay marriage one way or the other. In fact, I wish the government would stay out of ALL marriage, gay or straight. Apart from identifying domestic partnerships for tax purposes (something any two adults should be able to enter into), the government has no business establishing marriage definitions. Your church may vary, and you may choose to believe whatever you wish, but our tax dollars should be used more effectively, than to ban two gay dudes from getting married. Stay out of my business, and I will stay out of yours. Promise.

    Rant over! :)

    windows 7 wallpaper themes. Windows 7 Default Wallpaper
  • Windows 7 Default Wallpaper

  • Skoal
    Mar 25, 07:10 PM
    "radically improve" the Maps application"

    YES, about time!

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  • backinblack875
    Dec 5, 11:04 PM


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  • Oh-es-Ten
    Mar 23, 10:42 AM
    [bertrandSerlet release];

    Brilliant! :)

    windows 7 wallpaper themes. Windows 7 Wallpaper
  • Windows 7 Wallpaper

  • R94N
    Aug 17, 03:13 AM
    Decided to change it back to this black and white picture. I like the monochrome look. (

    Yeah, it's pretty nice. I like some of the standard backgrounds, although you get bored of them after a while.


    windows 7 wallpaper themes. windows 7 wallpaper themes.
  • windows 7 wallpaper themes.

  • CaoCao
    Apr 17, 04:52 AM
    And tell do you figure out this 2.1 magic number? What's wrong with 1.9? Does the human race have to be like bateria and proliferate all over the place consuming the earth until the land is barren? That's what you want? You want Europe to be like China and run out of food such that they have to give "child licenses" so that ppl won't starve to death? Oh...I about Afghanistan which is what? Like 7? That's a model country we should take after for sure! :rolleyes:
    2.1 is the replacement rate (
    I'm pretty sure I said "bolster the population," not "raise the birth rate." Making babies is only one way to increase the number of people in a certain area.
    Ponzi schemes FTW. Europe will need 20 million immigrants by 2030 and way more by 2050 in order to maintain their lifestyle, or we could be monsters and kill old people.
    The United Kingdom is going through a radical transformation in its social makeup, largely as a result of immigration. Where a few years ago people were worrying about birthrate and falling population projections, a government report in late 2007 projected Britain would have 11 million more people by 2031 — an increase of 18 percent — and by one estimate 69 percent of the growth would come from immigrants and their children. Liam Byrne, Britain’s immigration minister, called earlier last year for “radical action” to manage the system.

    The British situation today seems a far cry from “lowest low,” but it doesn’t mean that immigration is the answer to low birthrates. The actual numbers, according to several authorities, are discouraging over the long run. By one analysis of U.N. figures, Britain would need more than 60 million new immigrants by 2050 — more than doubling the size of the country — to keep its current ratio of workers to pensioners, and Germany would need a staggering 188 million immigrants in the same time period. One reason for such huge numbers is that while immigration helps fill cities and schools and factories in the short term, the dynamic adjusts over time. Immigrants who come from cultures where large families are standard quickly adapt to the customs of their new homes. And eventually immigrants age, too, so that the benefit that incoming workers give to the pension system today becomes a drag on the system in the future. A European Commission working document published in November 2007 concludes that “truly massive and increasing flows of young migrants would be required” to offset current demographic changes. Few Europeans want that. Immigration already touches all sorts of raw nerves, forcing debates about cultural identity, citizenship tests, national canons, terrorism and tolerance, religious versus secular values.

    Meanwhile, in the midst of arguments about natalist and immigration policies come other voices and more elemental questions. Is it even possible to increase the population significantly? Is it even necessary? There are those who think that “lowest low” is not in itself a looming disaster but more of a challenge, even an opportunity. The change that’s required, they say, is not in breeding habits but thinking habits.

    windows 7 wallpaper themes. Windows 7 theme Wallpapers
  • Windows 7 theme Wallpapers

  • NastyComputers
    Sep 5, 10:07 AM
    Sticking with my Miami Heat summer theme, again:

    Not a fan of him, but great pic!


    windows 7 wallpaper themes. Windows 7 Wallpapers v3
  • Windows 7 Wallpapers v3

  • pjashley1
    May 2, 05:42 PM
    I'm a platelet donor in the UK - having just given whole blood a few weeks ago I'm going to have to wait for a little while before going back, but well done everyone!

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  • Install Windows Vista and 7

  • CubusX
    Apr 7, 04:13 PM
    Like many, since 4.3 battery life has sucked. I am recharging mid day.

    Hopefully, they finally fix the battery.


    windows 7 wallpaper themes. Windows 7 Box Art Wallpapers
  • Windows 7 Box Art Wallpapers

  • Lord Blackadder
    Jan 12, 05:26 PM
    But in it led me to buying a 300C instead - and after hearing about stuff on vwvortex I really didn't feel bad about that decision. As for the 5cyl, it is competent but I don't see the point to it - people should be buying a TDI instead, and the 5cyl is a noisy odd engine. >>

    I wonder how many people cross-shop the 300C and the Passat...two very different cars.

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  • Download Windows 7 Bing Themes

  • Mac7
    Aug 12, 03:12 PM

    Thanks for the help Ethical


    windows 7 wallpaper themes. windows 7 wallpaper photoshop
  • windows 7 wallpaper photoshop

  • todd2000
    Oct 2, 10:32 PM
    Mine for now, I just set up GeekTool, and don't want to change the wallpaper, and have to re-do everything!

    The wallpaper is an old one from the Digital Blasphemy free gallery, I can upload it if anyone wants, but it might not be the right resolution.

    windows 7 wallpaper themes. Woodstock Windows 7 Theme
  • Woodstock Windows 7 Theme

  • dmr727
    Oct 8, 09:25 PM
    Even if the caps are bad, you won't hurt anything by giving it a try. Fire her up and see what happens.


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  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 28, 07:11 AM
    It would be really weird if Pegatron don't get a lot more information, and sooner, about Apple's product cycle than people reading tech blogs. The earlier released expected numbers were most likely already based on a new iPhone being released later this year.

    Also, potential buyers of iPhones aren't scouring tech blogs for rumors about when the next iPhone will be launched. Nor do I see salespersons advice them to wait until September.

    windows 7 wallpaper themes.

  • xUKHCx
    Apr 7, 05:57 AM
    I suppose the original question should have been, "What have Apple got in there?"

    Possibly something custom designed or taken from existing designs of other storage giants. Like Google where they use velcro (


    windows 7 wallpaper themes. Windows7 Design provide the
  • Windows7 Design provide the

  • Cynicalone
    Mar 25, 10:45 AM
    They need to improve the worthless notification system in iOS more than the maps.

    windows 7 wallpaper themes. Default Windows 7 Wallpaper
  • Default Windows 7 Wallpaper

  • Hawkeye411
    Mar 27, 06:47 PM
    Really? But if you dont pay, what if you get a negative?

    No ... a seller can't leave a negative for a purchaser. The worse he can do is file a non-payment complaint. You need a few of these before Ebay will do anything to you....

    Lets have some fun!! Lets start a bidding war and get this sucker up to $10,000,000!!! LMAO!!!

    windows 7 wallpaper themes. Blue Roses Windows 7 themes
  • Blue Roses Windows 7 themes

  • jhnnyklry9394
    Oct 6, 12:51 PM
    New for this month:

    Dec 23, 11:36 PM
    I know it's not enough to stop the drop but I just added a second PS3 to my numbers. I've been using my MacBook to rerender a bunch of videos lately once it's done I'll be back to folding with it again. This will bring me from my typical 1200-1600points/day average up to around 2,600-2,800.

    Jan 5, 12:37 AM

    Crap, so that means the 2% of people at my school who use Macs will get it...never.

    Nov 20, 01:05 PM
    artist rendition?

    okay i'll stop

    Apr 27, 07:55 PM
    Why does it take a media storm for Apple to open up on an issue ? It would be so much better if they more forthcoming and frank before an issue snowballs.

    Do you get your rocks off by being a troll?

    Mar 16, 06:26 PM
    Yes, and they're all just bleeding heart emotional responses, and i don't buy into that crap. Sorry, but my opinion on this isn't changing. Funny, the polls say non-religious people between the age of 18-29 are most likely to support the death penalty, and that's exactly where i fit.

    Again, have you read the thread? I wasn't aware, "It costs more to execute someone than keep him in prison for life," was a "bleeding heart emotional response." I also didn't think, "It's impossible to be 100% certain," was emotional either. Funny, to me, these arguments seemed pretty fact-based. The only one with an emotional response is you, demanding blood.

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