Tuesday, June 14, 2011

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  • Dhundhun
    12-05 01:31 AM
    Congratulations and good to hear from you.

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  • immi_seeker
    09-28 06:41 PM
    After looking to so many threads on our forum regarding the receipt notice delay. IV have raised the same questions to USCIS. Today USCIS have come with the answers to your questions. We are told that USCIS has put additional resources to address the receipt notice delays.

    Please visit

    http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=82b06a9fec745110VgnVCM1000004718190aRCR D

    Travelling without recieveing receipt notice is still an unclear topic. uscis has given a vague answer on that

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  • ckumar
    10-12 12:15 PM
    Even I was in the same situation till yesterday. I'm a July 2nd filer @ NSC. I got my receipts for I-485/EAD and AP only yesterday. I had to call the customer service and get these numbers. So there's still hope. Hang in there guys. Your receipts should be coming out soon. I'd advice you to call up USCIS and ask them for the status. Good Luck to everyone.

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  • Humhongekamyab
    05-15 04:42 PM
    2009------we can see something happening.
    Until then Visa Bulleting is our best hope and source
    Let us pray.

    If you think nothing is going happen then definitely nothing will happen.


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  • jayram123
    07-12 04:40 PM
    We do not need new thread. Either close or change the title, please.

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  • MatsP
    January 30th, 2008, 03:12 PM
    One piece of advice might be to go for something much less expensive first, to see if you actually like digital photography - the second hand prices are pretty abysmal for these things, so unless you think you are a really good salesman when it comes to selling your old stuff on E-bay or such, it would be less of a risk to you to get either a used P&S or a new, less expensive model.

    There are many things that make a difference between a DSLR and a "Advanced P&S" (Pro-sumer P&S or whatever you like to call the category that the Sony ends up in). But in the end, there's only a few of those that actually show in the photos:
    1. noise levels - the smaller sensor on the P&S (about half the size compared to the DSLR) means more noise in the picture, especially at high ISO [when you take pictures in rather dark circumstancs].
    2. The flexibility in focal length - the P&S has a fixed optical system, you can't really change it [yes, you can buy extra lenses to screw on the front and such, but it's really not that great]. This shows up, usually, more at the wide-angle end than on the telephoto end. The Sony here has a 31-465mm equivalent lens. That's pretty good, but 31mm is on the "narrow end of wide-angle", and you don't really have much choice to fix that. 465mm is plenty for most people.

    It's your money, so you spend it as you like :)



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  • danu2007
    10-09 09:20 PM
    You can also go to your local immigration office and talk to an IO in person and show him all the proofs and press release from USCIS website.

    They will be able to pull up your case and update the system with the details and make it as acceptable.

    To find out the nearest infopass office and schedule an appointment, use the below link


    As suggested by others it is better to seek advice of an attorney. But the above will help you to get through initially without any further delays and tension.

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  • same_old_guy
    05-22 05:13 PM
    Checking out this section of the bill :

    for an employment-based visa filed for classification under
    section 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Immigration and Nationality
    Act (as such provisions existed prior to the enactment of this
    section) that were filed prior to the date of the introduction of
    the [Insert title of Act] and were pending or approved at the time of
    the effective date of this section, shall be treated as if such
    provision remained effective and an approved petition may serve
    as the basis for issuance of an immigrant visa. Aliens with
    applications for a labor certification pursuant to section
    212(a)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act shall
    preserve the immigrant visa priority date accorded by the date
    of filing of such labor certification application.

    It says something about preserving priority date. Is there any provision to port the priority date from old system to new system. I am sure there would some sort of concept for priority date in the new system.

    Now if we can transfer our priority date from old system we would definitely get some benefit in the new system. Any comments ?


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  • logiclife
    12-20 07:00 PM
    She mentioned:
    "We (my husband and I) requested expedite request due to extreme emergency situation and USCIS approved it. Luckily things work out for us. Can't say too much other than that. Thanks for all the well wishes....."




    Their 485 got approved by mistake by USCIS, even though their dates were not current. It has happened in few cases since July, when non-current 485s have been approved.

    Sending an expedite request for 485 would not work if the date was not current. If it worked, everyone and their brother would find the neccesary emergency that is needed to get 485. Financial loss for individual or company as an "extreme emergent" situation is not uncommon and not hard to prove.

    She is pulling wool over everyone's eyes because she thinks that her case got approved in mistake and doesnt want to draw attention to that fact. So she is trying to divert attention by saying "oh, we got our GC by expedite request, but I wont tell you what the expedite request was".

    That's really cute. But the reality is, that 485, if it got approved, got approved by mistake and she should stop worrying and dissembling information as no one is on a crusade after her or her husband and people have their own problems.

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  • Catherine
    11-18 12:34 AM
    Thank you flresident, I really appreciate the advice. Unfortunately the group I had been getting some help from had to cut a number of services when their funding was cut a couple months ago. All the other help and advice I've received from those quarters has either led to a dead-end or provided me with exactly the kind of conflicting advice I mentioned. Nonetheless, I do thank you for the idea.

    I wonder if there are any other ideas out there? Thanks one and all.


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  • tabletpc
    05-28 12:02 PM
    Thanks Ramba, Thats greatly appreciated.

    In b/w as anyone heard of USCICS picking up 485 from later date and processing it or am i trying to be too pessimistic...???

    Just want to make sure I analyze all pros/cons before making a decision.

    Thanks ...

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  • jamesbond007
    11-19 03:32 PM
    Does this mean that, if we do not want to be overstepped in the Q, everyone has to have an attorney with AILA membership?? :eek:

    Everyone send chocolates/gifts to your attorney for Thanksgiving/Christmas and be on their good side.


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  • lostinus
    07-17 06:56 PM
    Great job IV team. Congratulations. Thanks a million.

    Contributed $100 today. Pledge to put more in every quarter.

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  • augustus
    05-12 09:18 AM
    Dear All,

    Could you please advise, if we can port eb3 to eb2.

    My husband is working for the same employer for last 6 years. He has masters degree from US and he filed for his GC in 2004. In 2004, he had only 1 year experience. The lawyer said he does not qualify for Eb2 despite his US degree.

    Now after 6 years, he had a job change within his company. He became a principal engineer from just an engineer. Could we port to EB2?

    If yes, what should we be careful about and how should we go about it?



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  • gcdreamer05
    11-19 12:59 PM
    I know of an acquaintance who worked for a reputed client w/o SSN for 4 months. He eventually got his SSN 6 months after applying. This was in NJ and his was first time H1B.

    I dont think so, SSN is mandatory, without SSN # how will they pay social security taxes, and how will they run pay roll, ssn is absolutely need for work authorization. Without ssn if you work it is not legal.

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  • gsc999
    11-14 08:54 PM
    This is the time to channelize all your frustration into positive energy. Yes, we can collective work towards ending retrogression.

    Join your State Chapter today

    Follow the link


    Come on folks, this is time for action.

    Start working towards IVs goals and you will be glad that you are doing it.
    Absolutely, join the state chapters and join hands to act. If not than be prepared to wait for a rreally long time for your GCs.


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  • marlon2006
    09-14 12:30 PM
    Growth could high, but economy is so small that would not necessarily make a lot of absolute difference. That said, sorry to tell you I heard that type of stories years ago when I landed in Canada in 1998. That's my personal opinion.

    Good luck though.


    Canadian economic growth to be best in G7 in 2007: IMF
    Last Updated Thu, 14 Sep 2006 07:59:50 EDT
    CBC News
    Canada's economy is poised to grow by 3.0 per cent next year, giving it the fastest growth among the G7 countries, the International Monetary Fund said Thursday in its semi-annual World Economic Outlook.

    Canada's status as a major net exporter of energy will likely be enough to insulate it from the slowdowns that the IMF is forecasting for the U.S. and Europe.

    The biggest risks to the Canadian growth story next year include a "substantial" further rise in the Canadian dollar or a "sharper-than-expected" slowing of the U.S. economy, as more than 80 per cent of Canada's exports are to the U.S.

    "The Canadian economy continues to perform robustly, benefiting from its strong macroeconomic policy framework and the boom in global commodity prices,'' the IMF said.

    A cooling housing market is likely to trigger the slowdown in the U.S. economy next year and could weigh on the global economy as well, it said.

    Growth in the United States, which was particularly strong in the first half of this year, is expected to slow from 3.4 per cent this year to 2.9 per cent in 2007, the IMF said. In April, it had projected U.S. growth next year would reach 3.3 per cent.

    "The concern remains that a sharp adjustment in the housing sector would generate strong headwinds for the U.S. economy," it said.

    IMF pegs China's economic growth at 10%

    Citing strong growth in China, the IMF raised its global growth forecast a quarter of a percentage point to 5.1 per cent this year and 4.9 per cent in 2007. But it warned that inflationary pressures, high oil prices and a possible abrupt slowdown in the U.S. could undermine global growth.

    "The balance of risks to the global outlook is slanted to the downside," said the report, released in Singapore, where the IMF and World Bank will be holding their annual meetings next week.

    The Washington-based fund also suggested that further U.S. interest rate hikes might be necessary.

    The U.S. Federal Reserve "faces a difficult situation of rising inflation in a slowing economy, but given the importance of keeping inflation expectations in check, some further policy tightening may still be needed," it said.

    In August, the Fed decided to keep its key short-term lending rate at 5.25 per cent after 17 straight hikes back to June 2004.

    The IMF said "there will be a premium on the Federal Reserve clearly communicating its policy intentions" and suggested that it state more explicitly its medium-term inflation targets.

    It also said the U.S. could help reduce global imbalances by setting a more ambitious deficit reduction path and put the budget in a stronger position to respond to future economic downturns.

    Japan, the world's second-largest economy, will likely grow 2.7 per cent this year on the back of solid domestic demand, but should ease next year to 2.1 per cent, the IMF said.

    It also said Japan should be careful to raise interest rates gradually to avoid a "costly" re-emergence of deflation, or falling prices.

    In the euro area, stronger corporate balance sheets have helped bring about increased investment, rising employment and a more balanced expansion to the 12 countries that use the common currency, the report said.

    Growth would rise to 2.4 per cent in 2006 before moderating to two per cent in 2007 largely due to scheduled tax increases in Germany, the report said.

    China's sizzling economy will probably steam ahead with 10 per cent growth this year and next, propelled by surging exports, but the region could be hurt if China's investment boom sours, it warned.

    The IMF also urged Beijing to raise the value of its currency, the yuan, saying that would help to cut its huge global trade gap � on pace this year to surpass last year's $102 billion US � and bolster households' purchasing power.

    Growth in India, emerging as Asia's other major engine, would moderate to a still robust 8.3 per cent this year and 7.3 per cent next year.

    Latin American economies would continue to lag behind other emerging economies, although growth prospects have increased in the region, with expansion expected at 4.75 per cent this year and 4.25 per cent in 2007.

    Inflation in advanced economies was likely to increase modestly to 2.6 per cent in 2006 but start to decline next year as the upward impetus from oil price increases eases. Emerging markets would probably also be able to contain inflation pressures, it said.

    The IMF was established in 1945 to help promote the health of the world economy. It works to foster economic and financial stability, prevent crises and can aid countries in trouble.

    With files from the Associated Press

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  • gjoe
    08-21 05:35 PM
    Yes that is correct!

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  • saiimmi
    12-12 09:02 PM
    Could you please throw some light?


    PTO: planned time off

    04-04 11:09 AM
    Can pls add poll to this by month. We atleast know 3 cases..

    05-31 11:32 AM
    On the same lines, one of my relative was also denied entry into the US at the Mineapolis airport. She is a widow, 70 years of age, and used to come here to visit her only son and daughter-in-law and their son, since last 6 years. She used to stay for 6 months during the summer time (April to Oct.) and then 6 months in India. But this time when she came here they denied her entry suggesting that you have a pattern of staying here since last 6-7 years at the same time of the year, so you are doing something illegal!!!!......

    Now how can one explain this???....70 years of age, a widow and her only son and daughter-in-law earning together earning atleast 6 figure income, a house of their own.....never went out of status, never extendend her stay beyond 6 months.......doing something illegal? and that too they said that they 'suspect'!....no proof whatsoever.....but according to law, she had to go back....this sucks big big time.

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