Monday, June 6, 2011

jennifer aniston hairstyles

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  • Dreadnought
    Mar 5, 05:51 AM
    My reason was the competiveness of folding, and the taunting. Love that! Also, I started with folding on my G3 B&W and that wasn't fast enough, so I had a good reason to upgrade to a dual G5 :D

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  • Jennifer Aniston#39;s Academy

  • twoodcc
    Oct 21, 09:19 PM
    yeah that's way over my head. not really sure what to tell you. i kinda tried to do it earlier this fall, with no luck either

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  • IgnatiusTheKing
    Apr 10, 10:34 PM
    hth :cool:

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  • onewiseman
    Jan 15, 10:11 PM
    Can somebody please link to the keynote stream or the MacRumors page from this thread?

    I've been avoiding sites all day and I didn't get an email.


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  • arcobb
    Feb 14, 12:41 AM
    Doubt it. I have the 2.0 ghz and it works great. If you do a lot of video encoding you'll see a speed up, but for me I'd have to be doing video all day for me to want to upgrade. I'm going to wait for a machine that has light peak/usb 3 and and i7 or better ... so I'll be hanging on to this machine for quite some time to come. The .66 increase in speed is just not something I'd see with how my machine gets used. If you do lots and lots of video, upgrade ... if not save your money.

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  • Jennifer Anniston Hairstyles.

  • Much Ado
    Jan 14, 12:22 PM
    What the hell?? Wednesday? Aren't they going to post the video tuesday night?????/ :confused:

    That depends on where in the world you live.


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  • -y0-
    Apr 21, 08:00 PM
    The Tours I had broke after a month. The part where it splits came apart.

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  • eawmp1
    May 5, 07:19 AM
    I'd understand the dilemma between a MBP and an Air, but and Air and an iMac???? :confused:


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  • lasteve
    Jul 9, 08:37 PM
    so how is that gonna work? We gotta wait in the parking lot till 7am then everybody run to line up? That seems like it will be crazy

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  • MayPeng
    Apr 19, 11:12 PM
    I have a hid device , because its class is 0x03. I use HIDManager and IOServiceMatching(kIOHIDDeviceKey), both can't find device, whether the kernel don't have matching driver, and I must write a hid device driver?

    Main code:
    method 1:
    IOHIDManagerRef mgr;

    mgr = IOHIDManagerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
    IOHIDManagerSetDeviceDeviceMatching(mgr, NULL);
    IOHIDManagerOpen(mgr, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);

    CFSetRef device_set = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(mgr);

    CFIndex num_devices = CFSetGetCount(device_set);
    method 2:
    io_iterator_t hidObjectIterator;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef hidMatchingDict= IOServiceMatching(kIOHIDDeviceKey);
    //add my device pid and vid to hidMatchingDict


    io_object_t hidDevice;
    while(hidDevice = IOIteratorNext(hidObjectIterator))

    As a result, hidDevice = 0;


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  • Patmian212
    Dec 10, 07:29 PM
    I can include one Zip 100 disc with jewel case. The drive is a Zip 250 from Iomega, a nice blue plastic like the iMac G3s and in mint condition. I think it has USB and SCSI, not sure though. Make me an offer that includes shipping for the drive and disc.
    Not sure if I wanna go through with it it but how does 95USD shipped sound? Also is a zip and an EZ drive the same(sorry im a dumbass)

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 9, 07:48 PM
    We did something like this one ( back in 1990, although it has changed somewhat. It was great, except for the up-at-the-crack-of-dawn, get breakfast, and on-the-bus shite.

    Still, all those countries in 28 days is not easy.


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  • wrldwzrd89
    Dec 31, 08:27 AM
    Ambrosia Software ( has some of the greatest games and utility programs I've ever used for the Mac. They're one of those shareware developers that has been around since the System 7 days at least.

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  • Jennifer Aniston#39;s tried and

  • LastLine
    Apr 2, 08:58 AM
    Aye, it seems a shame to force iOS developers to update their machines (admittedly old machines, but still) to coincide with a new desktop iOS - but I guess that's the case with such a closed development environment.

    It'll be a Mac Mini for me I imagine :) Still I also suspect I could run Xcode 4.0.x on a Snow Leopard machine for some time before it became a real issue...Hmmm...just timelining lol

    Edit: <---reckon that's got reasonable future proofing without shelling out for new?


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  • Dav1
    Apr 1, 10:05 PM
    I can't figure this one out. I successfully jailbroke my 1st gen iPad after using pwnage tool and tetheredboot.

    However when I open cydia and do the required updates it asks me to reboot, so I do so but it keeps on going through a boot loop.
    I then put it in DFU and do the tetheredboot command in terminal but it fails every time saying:

    Macintosh-6:~ Eddy$ /Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/tetheredboot -i/Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/iBSS.k48ap.RELEASE.dfu -k/Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/kernelcache.release.k48
    Initializing libpois0n
    Waiting for device to enter DFU mode
    opening device 05ac:1227...
    Found device in DFU mode
    Checking if device is compatible with this jailbreak
    Checking the device type
    Identified device as iPad1,1
    Preparing to upload limera1n exploit
    Resetting device counters
    Sending chunk headers
    Sending exploit payload
    Sending fake data
    libusb:error [darwin_transfer_status] transfer error: timed out
    libusb:error [darwin_reset_device] ResetDevice: device not responding
    Exploit sent
    Reconnecting to device
    libusb:error [darwin_close] USBDeviceClose: no connection to an IOService
    Waiting 2 seconds for the device to pop up...
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Command completed successfully
    Unable to reconnect
    Unable to upload exploit data
    Exploit injection failed!

    So then my only option is to restore again through itunes and rejailbreak which means I loose the updates I install. I've done this about 5 times now and it's really pissing me off.

    Is snowbreeze more reliable then the method I'm using? If so I may have to boot in bootcamp and try.

    I'm not a Mac user but I believe your issue is with libusb If you google on this you'll see it is a common error, I believe you'll also find info on how to correct the issue...

    Hope that helps to get you started...

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  • Momiji
    Oct 17, 11:32 AM
    Thanks for the post. I am really interested in a leather case with a front cover.

    The site says "preorder." But you have already received the case. So those cases on the site are actually in stock?

    I wonder if the case I like (Jacka Type) is in stock.


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  • Malice604
    Mar 25, 04:54 PM
    Lineup reaches Blenz (Dunsmuir) from the side entrance to the mall (like the iPhone 4 launch). The store was packed, but they are pushing everyone out at 3:00pm.

    Good luck to everyone!

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  • balamw
    Feb 16, 07:00 AM
    The Resolved prefix (at least) doesn't show when the forum is viewed from the mobile site.


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  • Jennifer Aniston Hairstyles

  • dubbz
    Sep 23, 12:40 PM
    I think what you meant to say was:

    OOoooh! I just had this great idea for a reply you could send the guy in the OP :p

    May 1, 11:05 AM
    Ok ive been looking for months for a decent photo album app...what I have a question on is this,

    when using a photo storage app it doesnt literally make a copy of this pic to store on your device for the purpose of that app correct? That would be stupid, doesnt it just make like a shortcut or a photo playlist of your existing photos to access?

    I am lookign for a good photo album app that lets me use custom photos for the albums and when I picture with the camera and then import it into the app it will just be more like a shortcut of the pic on the camera roll...

    Thanks everyone :)

    Apr 12, 12:57 PM
    Thx for your replies - but that's a bummer :(

    Had hoped it would work.

    Then I will wait until MacPro gets SATA 3 support with my purchase. Buying an expensive MacPro tower with no support for SATA 3 and no boot support for PCI express SSD cards seems crazy to me to be quite honest !

    Scr_ew Thunderbolt, but I really do need SATA 3 support as I'm a HDD/SSD geek :)

    Coming from the self building PC tower world Apple sure is very very limited in what ways you can upgrade these machines.
    If not for all the hackingtosh trouble I would've gone that way.

    Must say I now re-re-re consider going back to Win 7 Lian Li Alu tower with PCI express X2 Revodrive as bo�te drive, 2 Vertex 3 240 gb for programs and often used doc, sheet, pic and database files, 2 3 tb WD Caviar Black HDD for music & movies, i7 2600 k Sandybridge CPU, Asus Maximus mobo, 1000 watt gold plated Corsair psu, 32 GB 1600 MHz DDR 3 ram, Radeon 6970 2 gb DDR 3 GPU, 2 ACD 27" displays and one matte Dell 2711 27" display in the middle - and then still have money left over :)

    I will still miss OSx darn much though, but pheeewww I feel like I'm slamming my head against a wall with all the current mac products :(

    iMac outdated - yeahhhh Sandy will come in 2-3-4-4-6-7-8-9-10 weeks time or 3 months or....

    MacPro outdated but NO new xeon cpu untill late 2011 early 2012 :(

    MBP updated - but too big compared to MBA for travel and not expandable enough as desktop replacement for my needs :(

    MBA - PERFECT as travel mate had it had backlit keys, now it's only 99% perfection !

    Claus - TapaTalk on my Ip4

    Mar 13, 09:50 AM
    Won't upgrade without this error in iTunes and tinyumbrella won't start in TSS server. Any ideas on how to upgrade a JB iPad? Due to servers being down?

    Sep 23, 12:21 PM
    I should mail him back and remind him to tuck his period inside the parentheses.

    Periods shouldn`t be inside of paranthese (unless it`s a compete sentence), so you might not want to do that...

    Edit: jsw kind of beat me to it... :p

    Dec 5, 03:24 PM
    You have two solutions...max out the ram or buy a new computer. That's it.

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