Monday, June 6, 2011

desktop backgrounds quotes

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  • ucsdmac
    Aug 8, 09:45 PM
    Finally had a bit of time to mess with geektool :)

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  • jessica.
    Jun 1, 02:17 PM
    Oh man that's funny.
    The shirt at tributes this as well.

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  • MacBandit
    Mar 18, 01:05 AM
    Some of the features are free--however the iCal integration is not. In fact, it costs something like $20--$5-10 and I mighta bought it.

    Yeah I've been playing with it and the amount of cool stuff it does for free is more then their website makes it sound like. A definite must have!

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  • SimonTheSoundMa
    Oct 18, 03:04 PM
    Big meet up on the day at the Apple Store, Bullring.


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  • SciFrog
    Jan 25, 03:10 PM
    My 2007 MacPro 2,1 could use a boost also. Sadly it would make sense to replace it with a 27'' iMac with these new 3.4Ghz SandyBridge chip whenever it comes out. I can't really justify buying a 12 core machine just for Folding...

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  • d4rkc4sm
    Apr 27, 04:05 PM
    Yeah, it's such a yawn and stupid that you bothered to click on it and reply. :confused:

    ok its nice to read the transcript, but these accusations that apple is is tracking users is stupid and retarted


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  • jeanlain
    Apr 3, 12:32 PM
    Lion supports openGL 3.2, but apps need to be updated to use 3.0 and above because Apple has not implemented a compatibility mode with openGL 2, AFAIK.

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  • phas3
    Dec 5, 09:02 PM

    mmmmm oliviaaaaa in full 1080p


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  • Shivetya
    Apr 8, 04:42 AM
    Some of the customer reviews on the iTunes download page are very critical of the controls for some games. Not sure how well they've ported these to the touch screen interface....

    Depends on if you look further than the displayed controls. By that I mean, with Tempest there is a slider on the left that lets you rotate around the play field and firing buttons on the right. However, what many miss is that you can control the entire movement around the screen by touch.

    Same for centipede/millipede/etc. Apparently most have a simulated control on the screen but they also have touch capability for movement control on the game surface as well.

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  • three
    Dec 25, 12:57 PM
    I didn't ask for anything but got lots of food and this neat bonsai tree from my neighbour.


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  • cherrypop
    Sep 28, 03:11 PM
    Using your numbers that's $80/year, or 20% off. Not bad for doing basically nothing.

    For what it's worth, you can get .Mac packages on eBay for $50. I did earlier this week and have already renewed using the Auth Key.

    Again, see my post just above where I listed URL to a How-To I posted on how to save on DotMac. There are different ways to search that should help you if you've only been able to find $80 listings.

    Where do you see this? Every ebay auction I see for dotmac ends up being at least $75 or more with $5 shipping at least.

    Not that great a deal.

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  • lukefinch
    Sep 5, 04:30 PM
    That's the default iPad wallpaper? May I have the original?

    Sure you can :D


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  • Sopranino
    Sep 27, 10:04 AM
    I've been a very satisfied customer of .Mac since its inception. I receive zero spam e-mails and I am delighted with the ability to create aliases. On top of that there is no advertising at all. I also have a couple of other web-mail accounts and they get zillions of spam messages even with their respective anti-spam filters turned on. I think that this update adds a little bit more polish on an already decent offering. I do agree with a previous poster that the iCal integration needs some work.


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  • Shivetya
    Apr 20, 05:08 PM
    iPod Touch should not count.


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  • LimeiBook86
    Dec 14, 01:18 PM
    Kernel Panics...possibly one of the most frustrating Mac problems ever. Mac has gotten one of the errors, let's just hope that he knows how to restart the machine :p

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  • MacBytes
    Nov 3, 09:46 PM
    Category: 3rd Party Software
    Link: iLliance 1.5.1 released (
    Posted on (

    Approved by Mudbug


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  • quotes desktop wallpapers.

  • miamijim
    Dec 24, 10:32 AM
    I got some of the stuff in these pictures.

    My mum came over to visit me in Finland and she bought me the corner light (it cycles through colours) She also bought me the cushions on the sofa.

    I got the curtains from Ikea yesterday along with the plant, plus I also got the LED dioders behind the monitors.

    All in all a nice lot of stuff to make my living room more of a warm place to be.

    I now just have to get my artwork on the wall, next week I will get some frames in the sales.

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  • fluffels
    Jan 19, 03:47 PM
    I've just been migrating services off a G5 Xserve running 10.5 Server, to a Mac Pro running 10.6 Server.

    It dawned on me it'd be a good idea to get an actual SSL certificate. Because of the lack of funds available, I've gone for PositiveSSL.

    Here are the steps I took to get it:

    1. In Server Admin > Certificates I chose Generate CSR

    2. I pasted this in to Comodo's page and chose Apache + MOD SSL

    3. Took the .crt file emailed to me and chose "replace with signed certificate", dropped it on and clicked "replace certificate" (replacing the old, self signed one).

    This all seemed to work fine. HOWEVER, the web service doesn't seem to be playing ball with it at all and because of this I'm scared to propagate it around any other services.

    These are the errors I'm receiving: (not that Server Admin notices anything wrong!)

    [Wed Jan 19 05:59:58 2011] [error] Init: Pass phrase incorrect
    [Wed Jan 19 05:59:58 2011] [error] SSL Library Error: 218710120 error:0D094068:asn1 encoding routines:d2i_ASN1_SET:bad tag
    [Wed Jan 19 05:59:58 2011] [error] SSL Library Error: 218529960 error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong tag
    [Wed Jan 19 05:59:58 2011] [error] SSL Library Error: 218595386 error:0D07803A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_ITEM_EX_D2I:nested asn1 error
    [Wed Jan 19 05:59:58 2011] [error] SSL Library Error: 218734605 error:0D09A00D:asn1 encoding routines:d2i_PrivateKey:ASN1 lib

    The pass pharse thing is stumping me (along with the whole situation) - I saw the box in Server Admin 10.5, but it's gone from Snow Leopard. There's no obvious place for it that I've seen.

    Is there any easy how-to guide for actually getting this sorted and having SSL up and running (I'm missing something easy, I bet!) - or anyone with a fair idea of what the next step would be?

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  • Chundles
    Sep 27, 10:24 AM
    i just dont think it's valid

    btw my dad and i are currently building me a double bed, giggedy giggedy giggedy, alright

    I've got a double bed - doesn't mean a damn thing.... :( :mad:

    Mar 23, 11:19 AM
    I wonder if Serlett's departure means more web focus since the new guy focused on the cloud? A new filesystem, being able to run web apps outside the browser, and a new UI would be nice for OSX� an internet layer built in using webkit (if that is possible) would be 3 nice new features, and with the new guy Ferengi or Fedenrigh or whatever� it could be possible?

    Mar 15, 05:12 PM
    too bad, i support the death penalty.

    Feb 4, 12:29 AM
    I've had my 5th gen. iPod video for about five years now, and it's treated me well; until last night. I was lying in bed listening to music, and I wanted to skip the song, so I pushed the forward button. Nothing happens. I try it again; the iPod freezes for about 20 seconds, then totally powers down, and makes a clicking noise (sounds like a drive maybe?).

    Now, every time I turn the iPod on, I get the Apple logo, and it immediately goes to the "Connect to your computer, use iTunes to restore" screen, and after about 10 seconds, it powers off, again making the same whine/click noise. It's in a loop with this.

    If I plug it into my computer, it doesn't read whatsoever; nothing on my desktop, nothing in iTunes, but the iPod itself goes to disk mode with a white screen and a "do not disconnect" sign. I cannot seem to get it out of disk mode, let alone get my computer to recognize it, so I can't restore it. I have a Macbook, and I've tried to restore it using other computers (several Windows systems) and it recognizes a "USB mass storage device", but doesn't appear in iTunes or anywhere else.

    I've tried doing the manual reset, tried diagnostics mode, and to no avail. It's stuck in disk mode in a perpetual loop every time I turn it on, and NO computers will recognize it.

    I have a really old 3GB iPod mini that I got years ago, so that's been my replacement for the past 24 hours— problem is, 3GB hardly compares to the 30GB that was on my iPod video; I can't even fit a quarter of my library on it. I'm kind of upset about it, I mean, I know that 5 years is quite awhile, but I've taken extremely good care of the device. It's been in a protective case ever since I got it, and I rarely drop it. I use it about every day. Any ideas on what I can do? To my understanding, if the hard drive has crashed, a sad iPod logo will appear, and that hasn't happened yet, so... who knows? Any help is GREATLY appreciated. I don't really want to pay Apple to repair it because I may as well buy a new iPod (which I won't be able to do for quite awhile, broke college student here).

    Feb 9, 03:35 PM
    I'm on the 450 minute plan, and I have 1770 roll over minutes. I've stuck w/the 450 plan, mostly cus almost everyone I call is on AT&T (I switched from Verizon, and saved a boatload, since it's just me on the plan). In the 4 years I've been with AT&T, I've only ever gone into my roll over minutes *twice*. They always end up expiring on me.

    Text messaging & the (grandfathered unlimited) data plan are far more valuable to me.

    Sep 4, 12:13 AM
    Here ya go.

    jeaaah! thanks

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