Tuesday, June 14, 2011

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  • qwert_47
    09-27 12:41 PM
    ^^^^^^^ bump

    Appreciate any advice...thanks

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  • andy garcia
    11-08 01:48 PM
    Do you mean EB based AOS alone is 655K? 1.3 million is I-130 petition which is different from AOS.

    I-130, Petition for Alien Relative
    I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker

    Both require a I-485 to adjust status

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  • ineedhelp
    07-22 11:45 AM
    Hi All,

    Thank you for your overwhelming response. I did spoke to an attorney and rightfully got sucked out with $$ but it gave me some peace of mind for sure.

    1. His recommendation was that the maximum penalty in my case would be 10,000 $ + 2 months notice as given i my policy. Apart from this wipro cannot claim any more and again this could be challenged if asked for in USA but would work in wipro's favor if it is claimed in India.
    2. But he did mentioned that many of other clauses could be challenged.
    3. He also cautioned me that Wipro cannot be bounded to give my Experience letter :(

    Bottom line is i'm ready to pay 10,000$ + remaining 4 weeks notice and get a clean exit. Yes some of you might argue otherwise but i thought from my personal perspective this is right decision as i have plans to get my GC processed.

    @JRG, hope this helps u.

    @reddyram,LONGGCQUE, gc28262, pagal, crazymonk ... I'm greatful to each one of you. @LONGGCQUE your specifc response was most helpful to me as it ideally match with my situation without any disrespect to others as each one of your suggestions have made to stand up against Wipro!!

    Thanks Again.
    ineedhelp (may be in future i will help as well!!! Time to change my user id :)

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  • tonyHK12
    12-01 10:01 AM
    Definitely a good idea.........the first thing that needs to happen is for us immigrants to contact our own employers (and if it is a big company - they will have some section that deals with govt affairs/lobbying) ask them to support our cause through action.......
    I work for a small company, but my employer is a very decent man and may provide some funds..........(Christmas season and all!).

    If he chooses to donate would it be the "contribute" link?

    Great! thanks for your efforts. Yes it would be good if he creates an account and logs in before donating, that way it would be credited as his contribution.
    The link is in my signature but you can also follow the link 'Donate' at the top in green or 'Contributions' on the home page.
    Of course other large companies like the ones in Silicon Valley, MS, etc could also directly reach out to our admin/core besides this and also help in lobbying.


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  • raghureddy
    03-18 06:03 PM
    The reason they said was they are doing the back ground check on the company. But i am on the payroll from the same company since last 4years...

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  • pointlesswait
    03-16 11:07 AM
    Dont use turbotax for ur taxes..?

    use 1040-nr-ez...paper file it and get more...

    if i am not mistaken.. you can claim rental expenses as deductions if u are on ur first year of H1(only the 1st year)...also since u moved from chi to cin.. you can also claim..job related relocation expense..blah blah..do if u do itemized decuations..u shoudl be able to get truckload of money..... so seek a desi tax guy..

    just ask around..


    How do I file my taxes when I was on an OPT for 9 months and 3 months on H1B?


    8 Months of the OPT was in Cincinnati and 1 Month in Chicago.
    3 Months of the H1B was in Chicago.

    Can I use Turbo Tax to file my taxes or should I go to an accountant?

    I got 2 w2 forms from my employer. 1 for the time I worked in Cincinnati and 1 for Chicago. I am not sure if they are 2 different w2 forms or just 1, because on 1 of the w2 forms it says "1 of 2 w2 form" and on the other it says "2 of 2 w2 form".

    I am pretty confused, so if anyone was in a similar situation can please let me know what they did, that would be great.



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  • srh1
    10-28 10:57 PM
    Thanks for your reply it was helpful.

    BUt can any one tell me do we have to be on payroll for at least 6 months after you get Gc or can we on and off payroll and still be with the same employer for what ever length of time we stick to the same employer who filed GC..

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  • bluez25
    10-29 07:00 PM

    I understand your frustation since you might be one in the queue waiting for so long for GC, that dosnt mean that you are brave and other person not able to make a decision is chicken. Please respect each other and thats what we all do...

    Please try to answer his questions since he is struggling to take a decision, if not please ignore and move on buddy...

    SSH1... I think as other experts say in lot of other threads , there is no absolute law that you need to stay with the employer after getting GC.

    You should be fine since everyone in this world can understand that this is a downstream period and lot of layoffs are happening..with that being the situation you should not worry now... stick where u get job and can survive.... Good Luck...


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  • shan74
    01-12 05:57 PM
    bhanurpiya i sent u a pm. please let me know.


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  • mhtanim
    07-21 08:07 PM
    In rare cases RFE has been issued. My doc also wrote that I need to follow-up with my PCP for INH treatment on my medical form. I visited my PCP and they sent me to a Infectious Disease specialist. The ID specialist said that there is no urgency for treatment although it is recommended to have the treatment. But said I can my take my own time to think if I need to go through the treatment.
    Asked what if USCIS sends an RFE, the ID said that they usually do not ask for it for younger people but for someone over 50 , they may ask. In any case he said if I received any RFE he was willing to provide me a letter that INH treatment is not urgently needed.

    You actually have active TB? Or you are saying your TB skin test came out positive as you had BCG?

    If you had given BCG and your skin test came positive, that's very normal. If your doctor here wants to treat you because your skin test came positive although your chest x-ray is clear, then you probably should change your doctor.


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  • saurav_4096
    04-12 09:38 AM
    Please help me guiding in my situation:
    I have been on H1B for about 2 years, I came through desi consulting company. As usual there were no bench salary and very irregular payment during project duration also, I was not paid for about 50% of time.

    I had switched to another employer couple of months back, My H1B approval with new employer is still pending. recently I had got letter from Department of Labor (DOL). They are trying to investigate my previous employer if he is complying with american competitiveness and workforce improvement act(ACWIA) of 1998.
    They had sent me a questioner about previous employer about salary being paid etc.

    I am not sure what should I be doing in this situation:

    If I reply with all facts this might effect my pending H1B status for new employer.

    If I write in a way that thing were as per LC then I am lieing, which I am not comfortable with.

    Third Option could be that I do not respond at all
    [They had mentioned that I am NOT required to respond.]

    I am seeking help from experts and forum members, what should be I doing in this situation so that my H1B transfer do not get jeopradasided.


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  • go_guy123
    09-14 03:34 PM
    Obviously this is illegal you should report to DOL ...read the posting in this forum it has been
    discussed at lenth. WH-4 cmplaint letter etc.


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  • logiclife
    12-22 06:03 PM
    There is no such thing as "H1B grace period". Nowhere in Immigration laws or USCIS regulations there is anything like a fixed number.

    You are out of status(not illegal) when you stop working. If you are laid off suddenly, you are out of status.

    Most people are ok coz they find new job and starting working and the "gap" in employment is usually less than a month. If its more than a month then you can face inquiries during H1B transfer to your new employer about your gap and they may ask you for missing paystubs. If you cant provide paystubs for the gap in employment between jobs, then it can go 2 ways:

    1. They will give you H1 approval with I-94 attached at bottom ... meaning H1 petition is approval and the transfer is also approved.

    2. If you are unluckly, the would give you just the I-797 H1 approval without the I-94 attached at the bottom of 797. That means that H1 petition for new employer is approved but the transfer is not approved. Then in that case you are required to travel out of the country and get another I-94 to get back in status.

    This loosely defined grace period is a pain for those who work in consulting and switch jobs or those who get laid off without advance notice.

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  • rheoretro
    09-25 04:37 PM
    I think we can get some financial support from Housing Market !

    The housing market is slowing down significantly and there are millions of unsold homes out there.

    More than 1/2 million people are stuck in the green card process. I am sure
    most are waiting for green card before they buy their house and make longtime commitment.

    I think we are a "Frozen" pool of customers for the Housing Market.

    500000 H1B X 200000 (average house price) = 100 billion dollar market is just
    inaccessible just because of retrogression.

    I think we should convince them to help us FINANCIALY.
    Please IV Core members take this idea seriously and at least
    SEND A LETTER TO National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) president.

    Thanks for the suggestion. You're kidding, right? And if you are serious, please draft the letter yourself, and good luck getting a response from NAHB!


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  • eb3_nepa
    08-14 02:47 PM
    How did you come up with $745? I-485 application fees were $325 + $70 fee for biometrics. That makes it $395 per application or $790 for two applications. Maybe your lawyer gave you incorrect advice about the fees??

    $745 is the CORRECT fee for 485+765+131 including the bio-metric fees. The USCIS must have screwed up. How else did one get received correctly and one get messed up!!??

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  • gcisadawg
    04-19 06:06 PM
    When you go for a loan against the credit card balance, there are two types.

    1> 0% to 1.99% short term loan with 3% transfer fee.
    2> 4.99% to 5.99% LIFE time loan with 3% transfer fee.

    The key thing for both the loan is...

    1> Never EVER use the credit card that you used to get the loan UNTIL you repay the loan completely..
    2> When you go for the loan, ensure the balance on your card is zero. If you have a balance, ask them to pay off the balance from the loan amount and send the reminder.
    3> Always pay on time at least the minimum balance. Never miss a payment. Ensure this credit card doesn't have universal default clause, meaning, if you are late on any other credit card then you are considered as late on this card.

    If all the above three points are acceptable, I suggest CC loans. Otherwise, look for other options.



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  • hkimmi
    12-22 06:05 PM
    Does one have to stick to old employer for 180 days after I-140 is approved before person can start with new employer and port priority date from previous job ?

    I never heard of that 180 day rule for I140.. better to check with Attorney...

    even Iam interested to know that .....

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  • Ramba
    08-26 04:29 PM
    I am also in the same boat. I have my Masters in Mechanical Engineering. I had filed for H1B with companies A & B as Mechanical Engineer and have worked with them for 1.5 years each.

    Recently I had switched to desi company (C) and had to file my H1B as Software Engineer. I got my H1B without issues. I am crossing my fingers and planning to apply for Labor Certification as Software Engineer in EB2. (MS -Mech Engg + 1 year experience).

    Other members pls share your experience if your case is simillar. I know lot of people who did their masters in other fields and changed to Software when they were in OPT. But do not know some one who has worked in H1b as Mechanical engineer and then got another H1 as software engineer. Has anyone with my simillar background, gone past the I140 stage?

    It is all depend on how your employer specifies the education requirement for the position in LC. If that position requires engineering in any branch, then you will be fine. Otherwise, if the position requires education in particular branch and if you do not have that branch of study, then it may be a problem in LC or 140.

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  • ilikekilo
    06-11 06:14 PM
    again u r out of ur mind

    01-31 02:46 PM
    how can one get copy of i140? does it not belong to the company?

    07-09 01:15 PM
    Mine is TSC peding since May 2006.
    Upgraded to PP on Jun 19th 2007, no updates yet.

    Mine is TSC too...

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